I'm running Endian Firewall Community 2.4.1 (http://www.endian.com/it/community/efw-24/) At the moment, an annoying bug affect my installation (http://bugs.endian.com/view.php?id=3221) and I would configure squid to allow traffic if dansguardian goes down. Is there a way to do that? How?


3 Answers3


There's not a way to do this in Endian from withing the web interface. Have you looked into updating clam-av? I've had that solve similar problems in Endian.

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Current Endian (3.2) version doesn't use dansguardian anymore but c-icap and is monitored by monit to make sure the process used for antivirus and content filter is always up and running. So the linked bug is definitely disappeared, the new bug tracker is https://jira.endian.com


You can monitor from time to time if dansguardian fails and then restart it - write a script.

  • 1
    Really, you think? Not that I'm the one who downvoted this, but it's not a useful answer. Saying "script something" is like saying "fix it." Yeah, duh. The question would be about how to fix it, not whether to fix it or not. – HopelessN00b Oct 07 '12 at 18:24