I've setting up a Hosting service, as part of that service I need to automatically create DNS records in our nameservers for all the domains hosted.

Currently I'm using the following template:

$TTL    604800
@    IN    SOA    [PRIMARY-NS].    [NS-ADMIN]. (
                       [SERIAL] ; Serial
                           10800 ; Refresh
                            3600 ; Retry
                         1209600 ; Expire
                           43200 ; Negative Cache TTL
@    IN    NS    [NS1]. ; Nameserver
@    IN    NS    [NS2]. ; Nameserver
@    IN    A     [SERVER-IP] ; Primary IP
*    IN    A     [CATCH-ALL-IP] ; Catch-all IP
@    IN    MX    0 mail

What I'm interested in knowing is, if I replace the primary A record statement with a CNAME to that server's DNS entry - will there be any adverse affects? This would make IP management on my servers far easier as I would only need to update one DNS record.


Is this a good idea? Or will this only cause trouble for DNS lookups on those records?

Marco Ceppi
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  • The data portion of a `CNAME` resource record is a domain name, not an IP address. A `CNAME` resource record is a _client-side alias_, from one domain name to another. – JdeBP Jul 22 '11 at 15:27
  • @JdeBP Right, which is why it says SERVER-ADDRESS - IE: srv1.example.com instead of the IP address for that server. – Marco Ceppi Jul 22 '11 at 15:53
  • No. That (`srv1.example.com`) would be a server _domain name_, not an address. – JdeBP Jul 25 '11 at 16:03
  • 2
    Possible duplicate of [Why can't a CNAME record be used at the apex (aka root) of a domain?](https://serverfault.com/questions/613829/why-cant-a-cname-record-be-used-at-the-apex-aka-root-of-a-domain) – Jenny D Mar 20 '19 at 19:14

2 Answers2


No, you can't do

@ IN CNAME ...

because the CNAME record type isn't allowed to co-exist with the (required) SOA and NS records that you have to have at your zone apex (or any other resource record type, for that matter, except for DNSSEC-related records).

See s3.6.2 of RFC 1034:

If a CNAME RR is present at a node, no other data should be present; this ensures that the data for a canonical name and its aliases cannot be different. This rule also insures that a cached CNAME can be used without checking with an authoritative server for other RR types.

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No! That wouldn't work as CNAME allow "domainname" in value friend and you can not set with your server IP. You can add 1 A record for the IP address (* @ XXXX.XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) and add CNAME record for www