Bandwidth and delay are different, but not completely unlinked.
While it's basically true, things are not black and white. There are a lot of shades of grey in between.
It's true that having a larger bandwidth doesn't necessarily means having lower delays, and it doesn't necessarily means having the same or higher delays.
We should remember that it depends on the infrastructure which is consisted from network devices and physical media in the way from our host to its destination.
One ISP can prioritize low / high bandwidth connections, and give more hardware and software benefits to one or another which will result in a difference in the delay.
And in the spirit of the different examples that were given here, yes - it's better taking a truck with 20 disks with the same capacity then taking the same truck with only 1 of these 20 disks.
However - what about the weight of the disk? More disks mean more fuel and slower acceleration. But what if I change the engine of the truck?
So, in short - bandwidth and delay are different, but not completely unlinked.