i've recently changed the few sites I manage to reside on one vps, instead of multiple hosting accounts. All of them successfully transferred except one, which is giving me issues, and I'm unsure why.

Currently, going to example.com will work, but going to www.example.com will not, even though there's a CNAME entry in the zone file for www : @

I have other sites set up the same way and they are not having any issues whatsoever.

The site in question was transferred over from a different registrar. Is this just a propogation issue?

By request: domain name is blanchardscoffee.com

Thomas Thorogood
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3 Answers3


There's a thing called negative cache. I guess it hit you...

To quote the wikipedia article:

Some resolvers may override TTL values, as the protocol supports caching for up to 68 years or no caching at all. Negative caching, i.e. the caching of the fact of non-existence of a record, is determined by name servers authoritative for a zone which must include the Start of Authority (SOA) record when reporting no data of the requested type exists. The value of the MINIMUM field of the SOA record and the TTL of the SOA itself is used to establish the TTL for the negative answer.

This is what it looks like here:

$ dig www.blanchardscoffee.com A blanchardscoffee.com A
www.blanchardscoffee.com. 3582  IN      CNAME   blanchardscoffee.com.
blanchardscoffee.com.   3574    IN      A
blanchardscoffee.com.   3574    IN      NS      ns77.domaincontrol.com.
blanchardscoffee.com.   3574    IN      NS      ns78.domaincontrol.com.
;; Received 124 bytes from in 38 ms

blanchardscoffee.com.   3574    IN      A
blanchardscoffee.com.   3574    IN      NS      ns77.domaincontrol.com.
blanchardscoffee.com.   3574    IN      NS      ns78.domaincontrol.com.
;; Received 106 bytes from in 2 ms
Martin M.
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  • Thanks for this. Also curious, though: when I try the same dig command, i get different results for the www. entry. So is this just something I have to wait to correct iself, then, I guess? – Thomas Thorogood Jun 14 '11 at 17:32
  • The results will be different for the TTL column (second). All others hould be the same -- usually. Could be that the domaincontrol.com presents differents NS answers to diffrent clients. But if the NS servers aren't under your control there's nothing you can do, except open a support ticket and ask why that is the case... – Martin M. Jun 14 '11 at 17:36

OK, DNSStuff.com is reporting that no A or CNAME records exist for www.blanchardscoffee.com. My suggestion would be to specifically create an A record for www or create a CNAME for www aliased to blanchardscoffee.com.


I missed the part where you already had a CNAME. Disregard my answer.

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I think this is/was a caching issue of intermediate name servers. I currently get proper resolution on both blanchardscoffee.com and www.blanchardscoffee.com, with the dig for the latter clearly showing a CNAME pointing to the A record for the former:

$ dig www.blanchardscoffee.com

; <<>> DiG 9.7.3 <<>> www.blanchardscoffee.com
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 13875
;; flags: qr aa; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 2, ADDITIONAL: 0

;www.blanchardscoffee.com.      IN      A

www.blanchardscoffee.com. 3600  IN      CNAME   blanchardscoffee.com.
blanchardscoffee.com.   3600    IN      A

blanchardscoffee.com.   3600    IN      NS      ns77.domaincontrol.com.
blanchardscoffee.com.   3600    IN      NS      ns78.domaincontrol.com.

;; Query time: 92 msec
;; WHEN: Tue Jun 14 18:19:54 2011
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 124

unless, of course, this is your old DNS configuration. But you should be able to verify this.

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