I'm running into FTP errors using software like NetBeans or WinSCP: whenever I attempt to perform a synchronization or update of files from local --> server I get errors on the client saying "set times: Operation not permitted".
This is clearly an issue with the way I've configured my Fedora installation. The user that I'm logging in with cannot touch -t any of these files, though he IS part of a group that has r/w access on the files.
I do have root / sudo access to this server. What I would like to know is:
a) is it likely that this problem would be solved by allowing my FTP user to "touch -t" these files
b) how do I enable a certain user to be able to set timestamps on files without giving them ownership of the files (certain of these files need to be owned by Apache, for instance, so I don't want to chown them).
Thanks in advance.