I am trying to install the perl module Statistics::Basic::Mode on a RHEL 5 system and am having issues.

I have tried MCPAN and RPM. Here is the result of running

sudo perl -MCPAN -e shell > output2.txt

install Statistics::Basic::Mode

Link to CPAN results

When I tried to install it using rpm I used the following:

Link to site where I got the rpm

I ran the following: sudo rpm -i perl-Statistics-Basic-1.6601-2.el5.rf.noarch.rpm

I get the following: error: Failed dependencies: perl(Number::Format) >= 1.61 is needed by perl-Statistics-Basic-1.6601-2.el5.rf.noarch

so I tried to install Number::Format, but the response I get is that it is up to date. I am not sure where to go from here. Any advice would be great. Thank you

Alos Diallo
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1 Answers1


Is Number::Format at the correct version? It's possible that the version in your repos is too low. It's also worth making sure that Number::Format is in your @INC. If it's not, you could add the path to it into $PERL5LIB, and try installing again?

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