There are examples for how to make Monit detect a service going amok and use too much RAM. But what if the service forks a program and the child takes too much RAM?

Or put another way, how can I make Monit detect and act on any random process which is spawned and starts eating all the RAM. Before the evil OOM starts killing processes left and right...

Prof. Falken
  • 292
  • 7
  • 16

1 Answers1


Excerpt from man monit

TOTALMEMORY is the memory usage of the process and its child processes in either percent or as an amount (Byte, kB, MB, GB).

  • 8,179
  • 2
  • 28
  • 38
  • Well, that only seems to work when you have specified a specific process or service. Not just any random process popping into existence. – Prof. Falken Jun 14 '11 at 16:57