I did that to save space.

Now I see GRUB loading, please wait ... ERROR 15

on boot.

/boot still has files corresponding to 2.6.32-27 version of Linux. But I deleted all others that did not have that string in /boot

What can I do ?

Ankur Agarwal
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    Restore from the backup you hopefully made before doing something like this? You wouldn't remove two wheels from your car "to make it lighter" then be all surprised when it doesn't drive properly would you? – Rob Moir May 23 '11 at 18:16
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    @Robert I think this is more like removing the transmission, no? :) – voretaq7 May 23 '11 at 18:22
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    @vortaq7, it's most like removing the starter, the engine will keep running until you turn it off, then you're screwed. – Chris S May 23 '11 at 18:23
  • @Chris that's a better analogy. – voretaq7 May 23 '11 at 18:33
  • Most people don't do something like removing the starter or engine. I've known people that would probably remove a tire or two and wonder why they can't drive it up the driveway without a problem. I've SEEN people driving with complete flats a few miles just to get a little farther and wonder why it cost them more to replace the rims afterwards. – Bart Silverstrim May 24 '11 at 13:16

1 Answers1


First the lecture:

Rule Number Zero: If you do not understand what something does, DO NOT TOUCH IT
Deleting files "to save space" with no concept of what you are doing will anger the operating system gods, resulting problems similar to what you are now experiencing (Things break. Fixing them is often non-trivial).

Now the sympathetic assistance:

Fortunately you have not destroyed the universe: Fixing this particular problem is relatively trivial. Locate an appropriate boot CD (your Ubuntu install disk should be usable as a LiveCD) and run grub-install with appropriate parameters to re-install the files grub is looking for in your /boot directory (you may want to google around for further information).
You will also need to dpkg-reconfigure grub to rebuild the grub menu and various other bits and pieces you may have blown away.

I have intentionally left this answer somewhat vague, pointing you in the right direction rather than giving you line-by-line commands - you can get all the gory details of what to type and why from the internet.
A little legwork is often good for the soul, and will increase your understanding of the Linux boot process...

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