I'm running a tinycore machine that I store my code on before pushing it to github. This is also the only machine that has port 22 forwarded at home so I have to do the push from this machine due to github using ssh as it's protocol for doing pushes and pulls. I was trying to do a push today and I've been getting permission denied (Publickey) errors, So I than read this page So I created a ssh config file at ~tc/.ssh/config
with the following content:
Host github.com
User git
Hostname github.com
PreferredAuthentications publickey
IdentityFile /home/tc/.ssh/id_dsa.pub
And did am still having issues after attempting to re-generate my dsa key pair.
Basically, what I am seeing is that after I regenerate my dsa key pair after running
ssh-keygen -t dsa
I then confirm the overwrite, hit enter three times to use: default location /home/tc/.ssh/id_dsa
(and id_dsa.pub in the same directory), and no passphrase. I than attempt to ssh to github to test the connection using ssh git@github.com
and get the error:
Permission denied (publickey).
So I figured this was due to me not adding my newly generated public key to github. So, I cat the public key and copy the output into my settings on github, now every time I attempt to ssh to github It's asking me for a passphrase, even though I never specified one and it didn't ask me prior to viewing the file. Also, the permissions seem to be fine at rw only for user tc.