Plesk has spam filtering features using SpamAssassin you can buy. But I was wondering, what if I just install Mailscanner? I mean, MailScanner installs itself in the postfix/exim/qmail pipeline and just lets the MTA deliver it normally.

But because Plesk does it's own voodoo inside my Ubuntu install, I'm not sure if this would work. I mean, will it conflict with settings Plesk does to the mail system?

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  • I learned that mailscanner doesn't even support qmail... – Halfgaar Apr 14 '11 at 09:23
  • This question appears to be off-topic because it is about [`working with a service provider's management interface, such as cPanel`](http://serverfault.com/help/on-topic). – HopelessN00b Jan 14 '15 at 05:36
  • I don't think it is off topic. It's not about a service provider's panel, it's about installing a panel on my own server. – Halfgaar Jan 14 '15 at 10:05

1 Answers1


I won't install something like Mailscanner on a system that is management by an external tool like Plesk. Both Mailscanner and Plesk change a lot of things and expect certain conditions.

Mailscanner brings a lot of packages and is not that easy to set up, btw. You really have to know what you're doing. If you're using the Ubuntu package, it's a little bit after the current Mailscanner stable release - but if you install from source, you won't get that warm and comforting feeling of your Plesk setup (Install it on another machine and you'll know what I mean).

Maybe you're better of if you add some simple restrictions to your smtpd_recipient_restrictions line (main.cf of postfix, if you use it). See the Spamhaus ZEN blocklist and a Greylisting server - these can be added really fast without breaking anything and stop a huge amount of spam.

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  • I already enabled Zen, but I don't really know how effective it is. The Plesk machine is question is not yet used for our customers (it will soon though). Greylisting is not an option; I don't want to include delays, which can be annoying for forum registration mails etc. – Halfgaar Apr 14 '11 at 09:28
  • The delay for greylisting will just be for the first individual hit. It remembers the accepted to-from-combinations; and you can whitelist. To see how effective Zen is, do something like `grep NOQUEUE /var/log/mail| grep -i spamhaus| wc -l` – initall Apr 14 '11 at 09:59