I have an ssl certificate for www.domain.com. Obviously if someone goes to https: //domain.com, they will get an error from the browser about a certificate mismatch. Is it possible to setup the webserver to redirect requests from https:// domain.com to https:// www.domain.com?
In nginx, I've been trying variations of this, but to no avail:
server {
listen 443;
server_name www.domain.com domain.com;
if ($host !~ www.domain.com) {
rewrite ^/(.*) https://www.domain.com/$1 permanent;
Edit: Just to clarify if anyone hits the site at via plain http, it's not a problem, I already can redirect them to https:// www.domain.com, which is correct. It's only if they manually type https:// domain.com, that I don't know how to do the redirection.