Just discovering ganeti and playing around; from what I saw it's only possible to create instances by 'de-bootstrapping' a flavour of OS.

I'm wondering if it's possible to have 'ready to go' templates like for example a 'LAMP' template or a 'DNS Server' template to choose from when creating the instance.

Haven't found much documentation on that; if anyone has an idea ..

Thanks !

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2 Answers2


I wrote a different instance OS definition has is based on using disk images for deployment. It's called ganeti-instance-image and should probably fit the role you need. The basic idea is manually creating the base image you want and then creating a filesystem dump or tarball that will be used by this OS definition. It works quite nicely!

Or, if you want to continue to use instance-debootstrap, you can create a variant that lists different extra_pkgs="" set to build out the LAMP template you want. Basically "templates" are like "variants" in Ganeti.

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  • Excellent ! Right what I was looking for. Just a quick question, how do i './configure' when git-cloning ? Trying the 'autogen.sh' gives me a "autogen.sh: 13: aclocal: not found" (debian 6) – Disco Mar 16 '11 at 11:27
  • Stupid me; missing 'autotools' :) – Disco Mar 16 '11 at 11:28
  • Sorry again, but I dont understand 'how' your script actually integrates with ganeti's creation scripts; when doing gnt-os list it only shows me 'image+default'. Can you provide a quick howto to get started ? – Disco Mar 16 '11 at 11:47

The howto you're looking for is in the manpage ganeti-os-interface, or online here. Please read it and if it's not explaining things correctly let us know at ganeti@googlegroups.com.

thanks, iustin

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