I've got a client that needs some form of daily offsite backup. He's got about 100GB of various files, including a 30GB SQL Server database that he really should be getting off of his own server and somewhere safe in the cloud on a daily basis.
Many places offer this kind of functionality, but for $100+ per month.
What is "wrong" with buying 2 cheap hosting packages (GoDaddy and Crystal Tech for instance), doing an FTP up to both of them every night, and only spending about $30 a month for the 2 combined? Kind of like a poor man's RAID maybe. The hosting plans at many places now come with 150GB+ included.
Then if the office server fails, and GoDaddy at the same time fails (very very small chance of that even happening at the same time), then we'd still have Crystal Tech to get a copy of the database. All 3 failing at the same time would be even less likely.