I'm trying to get a fairly simple QoS policy up and running on my DSL line using a Cisco 877. My aims are fairly simple - make sure that realtime and management stuff like RTP and SSH works regardless of congestion, then make sure that HTTP, FTP, SMTP etc. protocols get a good shout in times of congestion and throttle back things like bittorrent when things get busy.
I've tried applying the config below, but it seems to have no effect. If I pull down a couple of ubuntu torrents, and also download a large file via HTTP, the HTTP download slows to a crawl, whereas the torrents merilly carry on downloading at 300kbps+. The only effect it seems to have is upstream bittorrent slows to about 0.1kbps.
My understanding is that I need to have a policy applied outbound on my ATM subinterface, and inbound on the VLAN so the router knows how to deal with the different packets flowing in both ways. I tried adding a police only policy inbound on the ATM subinterface, but again, this seemed to make no difference. Bittorrent incoming traffic romps over everything.
Oddly, no matter how much I try and configure it, I can't get the Packet-Queueing policy to show up outbound on the ATM0.1 interface. The inbound one shows up fine.
Any ideas?
class-map match-any BESTEFFORT
match protocol http
match protocol secure-http
match protocol icmp
match protocol secure-imap
match protocol smtp
match protocol ipsec
match protocol dns
class-map match-any REALTIME
match protocol rtp
match protocol rtcp
match protocol sip
match protocol ssh
class-map match-any SCAVENGER
match protocol bittorrent
policy-map Packet-Queueing
priority 400
bandwidth percent 50
bandwidth percent 5
class class-default
policy-map Input-Police
police rate 8000 bps
conform-action transmit
exceed-action drop
policy-map Packet-Tagging
set precedence 5
set precedence 4
set precedence 0
interface ATM0
description ATM ADSL Interface
no ip address
no ip redirects
no ip unreachables
no ip proxy-arp
no atm ilmi-keepalive
dsl operating-mode adsl2
dsl enable-training-log
interface ATM0.1 point-to-point
pvc 0/38
vbr-rt 886 886
encapsulation aal5mux ppp dialer
dialer pool-member 1
service-policy in Input-Police
interface Vlan1
description internal private VLAN
ip address
no ip redirects
no ip unreachables
no ip proxy-arp
ip flow ingress
ip nat inside
ip virtual-reassembly
ip route-cache same-interface
ip tcp adjust-mss 1452
service-policy input Packet-Tagging
hold-queue 100 out