We have a Debian Lenny server with open-iscsi that's configured to log into a target automatically:

hostname:~# grep \\.startup /etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf
node.startup = automatic
hostname:~# grep \\.startup /etc/iscsi/nodes/iqn..../the.correct.ip.address\,port
node.startup = automatic
node.conn[0].startup = automatic

If I issue a restart of open-iscsi via init.d, it works fine. But if I reboot the machine, iscsi starts, but does not even search for targets. I have to manually restart it before it works.

Any ideas how to make it find the target on boot?

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4 Answers4


The problem is the /etc/network/if-up.d/open-iscsi script is looking for the iscsi node config files in the wrong place.




or, if you have multiple interfaces configured:


Edit that file accordingly and the interface should be able to be brought up on networking start.

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Not sure how you mount the iscsi on boot, but if you use the fstab file, this should be your solution.

change defautls to _netdev:

LABEL=labelname /mnt/data ext4 defaults 0 2 

This will wait until network interfaces are up and then will look for iscsi targets to login and mount.

Thanks to ewwhite's answer on this post.

answered on 2015

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Could it be because the iSCSI service is coming up before the networking services have come online? i.e. when iSCSI loads there is no network connection for it to scan?

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  • Nope, it starts after the network daemon. As far as I know, it *should* search for targets anyway. If it'd search, but not find anything, that's one thing, but it does not even try searching, that's my problem. – Creshal Mar 21 '11 at 13:06

Assuming you use a static network configuration, try change your interface declaration (in /etc/network/interfaces) from allow-hotplug to auto