It seems I cannot access network resources in a remote Powershell session. This is using Powershell v2. Both the local and remote computers are on the same domain.

As an example, if I am on MachineA and connect to MachineB via Enter-PSSession MachineB, then from there execute something like gci \\MachineA\SomeShare, I get an error: "Cannot find path '\\MachineA\SomeShare' because it does not exist". If I execute the identical command directly from MachineB, I get the results I expect.

I've tried to grant 'read' permissions to 'SomeShare' to 'Everyone' and to the machine account of the remote machine directly. It made no difference.

Is there a configuration change I can make that will allow this to work?

Daniel Pratt
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2 Answers2


You need to use "-authentication CredSSP" to double-hop like that.

Here's a good link:

Mike Shepard
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for use network acces in remote commande like

Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ComputerName -ScriptBlock {test-path '\\otherPC\share\'} -Credential (Get-Credential (whoami)) -Authentication Credssp

To enable client-side SSP for winrm, run the following lines:

Enable-WSManCredSSP -Role client -DelegateComputer *

To enable server-side SSP for winrm:

Enable-WSManCredSSP -Role server
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