I maintain a small office of about 7 desktop computers running Windows XP, with a server running Ubuntu.
On a monthly basis, I:
- run CrapCleaner to clean out temporary files and fix registry issues
- run Defraggler
- backup their documents, email and Firefox profile to a RAID on the server
- make sure all their Windows/Security/Antivirus/Antispyware software has the latest updates
- check that extraneous programmes have not inserted themselves into the startup folder or msconfig startup sequence.
These are all Dual or Quad core Intel machines that I have built myself, all with a minimum of 3GB of RAM.
However, on a semi-regular basis, people in my office start whining that their machine is "slow".
How do I troubleshoot a "slow" computer, and what more can I do in terms of regular maintenance?
I really don't want to go to the effort of reinstalling these machines, especially when they come whining about every 2 or 3 months about "slow". I'm quite prepared to accept an annual WinXP reinstall but more often than that is just painful.