I want to set an env variable that has the DOC_ROOT info but nothing

SetEnv LAYOUT_HOME  %{ENV:PROJECT_BASE}"/html/app/wordpress/"

and then be able to access LAYOUT_HOME in php

How can I do this? The above is not working for me...

The problem is the base path is different on diff environments =/

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2 Answers2


SetEnv is a directive for mod_env, and mod_env doesn't support %{ENV:var} -- only mod_rewrite does this. Don't forget that apache is modular, and modules define their own directives. You can do this with mod_rewrite like this:

 RewriteRule .* -  [E=PROJECT_BASE:%{ENV:DOC_ROOT}]
  ... etc

I must ask, what are you really trying to do? There must be a better way. I can't think of any reason to define your LAYOUT_HOME variable in apache instead of php.

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  • Thanks. You're right PHP is a good place to do this. Just bending things to see what can and cant be done.. should or should not be done is the next step =] – qodeninja Feb 18 '11 at 00:40
  • +1 for the suggestion to set environment variables in a RewriteRule. I was having module execution order with SetEnv and RewriteCond and this was just the thing to get the results I wanted. – lambacck Mar 04 '11 at 14:51

Use getenv, doc here.

It will get any Environment Variable, just use it to get the one you set on Apache.

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