Today my IP was blocked by my server. I was told it was because of a mod_security rule that got triggered. I'm told that the regex that got triggered was


I don't know much about mod_security and was told

If the regex ^((?:(?:POS|GE)T|OPTIONS|HEAD)) is found on any of the scripts on your account, mod_security will trigger and block access from that IP to the server.

What exactly is this regular expression in mod_security looking to prevent?

I have run many of the files that I have uploaded to the server through this regex and didn't get any matches yet. I would like to know what this trying to accomplish so I can figure out, maybe, what caused the blocking and prevent it in the future.

Mike Grace
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    By the way, people who write regexes like `(?:POS|GE)T` instead of `^(POST|GET|OPTIONS|HEAD)` are being too clever at the expense of readability. – Dennis Williamson Feb 14 '11 at 14:21

1 Answers1


It refuses requests that are not using one of the accepted methods HEAD, GET, POST or OPTIONS. If you say, tried a WebDAV DELETE statement or something, it would then block that.