I was working gladly with my VM on my local Hyper-V server. But, after installing some updates on the host the system only show the famous blue screen. I couldn't start my host so I reinstalled it and configured as new Hyper-V server.

My VM was in a another disk to prevent this happening but I don't know how to add it as a new VM on new server. In addition, this VM has various snapshots so, how can I add this VM to my new Hyper-V server?

I can't do Export/Import because my server crashed before I can't do it.

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2 Answers2


First things first - make sure you back up your Hyper-V VHD just incase.

If you know the configuration of your previous Hyper-V I would advise that you simply create a new Hyper-V on the server and attach the existing hard drive too it. It is probably the quickest way to bring things back as I understand your situation.

If you don't know the configuration you will probably need to take to try and re-create the configuration through trial and error.

By doing this you will likely change the machines MAC address - I don't know if that matters too you.

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  • That was a great idea for vm without snapsohts. I made the test with the file with vhd extensions and works perfectly, but this is the first snapshot I did. – jaloplo Feb 14 '11 at 08:29

You might want to look at this and this

Vick Vega
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