I'm upgrading from the Ruby Enterprise Edition 1.8.6 to the latest 1.8.7 version with Unicorn to facilitate an upgrade to Rails 2.3.10, and am running into some issues. Should I uninstall the older versions of these gems?
Here's the log messages:
I'm upgrading from the Ruby Enterprise Edition 1.8.6 to the latest 1.8.7 version with Unicorn to facilitate an upgrade to Rails 2.3.10, and am running into some issues. Should I uninstall the older versions of these gems?
I, [2011-02-02T22:06:16.328076 #30672] INFO -- : listening on addr= fd=3
I, [2011-02-02T22:06:16.333137 #30672] INFO -- : Refreshing Gem list
/srv/ree/bin/unicorn_rails must be run inside RAILS_ROOT: #<Gem::LoadError: can't activate rack (~> 1.1.0, runtime) for ["actionpack-2.3.10", "rails-2.3.10"], already activated rack-1.2.1 for ["unicorn-3.3.1"]>
I, [2011-02-02T22:07:12.259436 #30701] INFO -- : listening on addr= fd=3
I, [2011-02-02T22:07:12.259952 #30701] INFO -- : Refreshing Gem list
/srv/ree/bin/unicorn_rails must be run inside RAILS_ROOT: #<Gem::LoadError: can't activate rack (~> 1.1.0, runtime) for ["actionpack-2.3.10", "rails-2.3.10"], already activated rack-1.2.1 for ["unicorn-3.3.1"]>
I, [2011-02-02T22:09:27.787177 #30772] INFO -- : listening on addr= fd=3
I, [2011-02-02T22:09:27.787691 #30772] INFO -- : Refreshing Gem list
/srv/ree/bin/unicorn_rails must be run inside RAILS_ROOT: #<Gem::LoadError: can't activate rack (~> 1.1.0, runtime) for ["actionpack-2.3.10", "rails-2.3.10"], already activated rack-1.2.1 for ["unicorn-3.3.1"]>
I, [2011-02-02T22:10:44.175407 #30846] INFO -- : listening on addr= fd=3
I, [2011-02-02T22:10:44.175928 #30846] INFO -- : Refreshing Gem list
/srv/ree/bin/unicorn_rails must be run inside RAILS_ROOT: #<Gem::LoadError: can't activate rack (~> 1.1.0, runtime) for ["actionpack-2.3.10", "rails-2.3.10"], already activated rack-1.2.1 for ["unicorn-3.3.1"]>