I've spent a fair amount of time using various *nix systems, but don't have a lot of experience in setting them up from scratch (unlike Windows, which I can more or less do in my sleep at this point, much to my dismay - I keep waking up and discovering I've set up a new box. Anyway.)
Looking to shore up this hole in my education, I've been playing around with getting a linux machine up and running on my home LAN of late. (Using Fedora 10 due to some advice I got out in meatspace.) While the install went fine, its that first batch of configuration that has me somewhat puzzled. The usual combo of google and sweat has got the thing more or less working, but are they any decent tutorials out there for someone who kinda knows what they're doing in the big picture, but doesn't know what to do with his Linux box on day 2?
Edited to add: wow! This is all great stuff! (Keep it coming?) Thanks, y'all!