I see the answer by Mtl Dev fit for this question. Since Bond has opened this thread with tag 'linux' and 'ubuntu-10.04'.
Again, du -h --threshold=1G
(followed by | sort -h
optionally) works perfectly in Ubuntu.
Although, Bond said that,
I do not see any thing in du man pages.
there're two lines in the man page, please refer below.
-t, --threshold=SIZE
exclude entries smaller than SIZE if positive, or entries greater than SIZE if negative
One more thing, I think the exact command line Bond want is something like this,
find . -mindepth 2 -type d | xargs du -sh -t 1G
When -mindepth 1
claims that it should contain the current path, -mindepth 2
will work on your demand.
Below is a demonstration on the popular dataset lisa.
~/dataset/lisa $ find . -mindepth 2 -type d | xargs du -sh -t 1G | sort -h
1.2G ./aiua120306-0/frameAnnotations-DataLog02142012_002_external_camera.avi_annotations
1.7G ./aiua120306-1/frameAnnotations-DataLog02142012_003_external_camera.avi_annotations
4.0G ./negatives/negativePics
6.0G ./experiments/training
~/dataset/lisa $ find . -mindepth 2 -type d | xargs du -sh -t 1G
4.0G ./negatives/negativePics
1.2G ./aiua120306-0/frameAnnotations-DataLog02142012_002_external_camera.avi_annotations
6.0G ./experiments/training
1.7G ./aiua120306-1/frameAnnotations-DataLog02142012_003_external_camera.avi_annotations
~/dataset/lisa $ find . -mindepth 2 -type d | xargs du -sh -t 3G
4.0G ./negatives/negativePics
6.0G ./experiments/training