I'm looking for an alternative to Spamassassin. Anyone tried rspamd ?

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    As i always ask in questions like this, whats wrong with SpamAssassin ? - It'll help people make recommendations – Sirex Jan 13 '11 at 12:29
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    I realize it's a few years late but search engine visitors find this still. I wrote up a comparison of running rspamd side-by-side with spamassassin in [this github issue](https://github.com/haraka/Haraka/pull/964) and some might find it helpful. – Matt Simerson Dec 15 '15 at 08:05

5 Answers5


You may take a look at ASSP. Works great so far.

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I can point rspamd, and it's not written in perl!


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    Welcome to Server Fault! Generally we like answers on the site to be able to stand on their own - Links are great, but if that link ever breaks the answer should have enough information to still be helpful. Please consider editing your answer to include more detail. See the [FAQ](http://www.serverfault.com/faq) for more info. – slm Apr 04 '13 at 12:05
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    A quick search for rspamd should suffice if the link breaks, it's not like he provided just a link. Also see other answers. – transilvlad Apr 16 '15 at 10:44



Don't overlook outsourced spam filter (Postini et al.)

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I would suggest you the Yandex Spam Defense - http://so.yandex.ru/all/index.xml It is a highly-reliable anti-spam system, used to protect millions of Yandex (one of the most popular Russian mail-hoster) from being flooded with spam. I like also Symantec Brightmail Anti-Spam and Sybari Advanced Spam Manager (both can work with Domino and Exchange).

By the way, I really don't think that SpamAssassin is a bad thing to use, I think opposite, if you have enough RAM to run it you will get really nice results.

Alexey Shatygin
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  • For those of us who cannot read Russian, here is some English http://help.yandex.com/mail/security/antispam.xml – rleir Feb 04 '14 at 14:52