I just switched my site's server from Windows to Linux, and am finally able to control file permissions from my ftp. So, seeing that all permissions were 705 by default (and not wanting just anyone to have permission to execute), I went and changed everything to 744.
Now, gif and jpg links don't work, pdf download links don't work, php links don't load, and mov files don't play. Conversely, all html files work perfectly. Setting things back doesn't seem to help. Even setting to 777 gets me nowhere.
Any ideas on what might be going wrong? I've been googling file permissions all day (solved that problem with the Windows-Linux switch, which has bred a new problem), and I don't think anything I can find has escaped my attention.
The site: absis-minas.com
Go easy on a n00b. I took up learning php out of interest, and wound up delving into server management issues due to a very simple line of code not working the way it was supposed to.