The answer here ( works great if you're trying to run a script on a remote linux
machine using plink
or ssh
. It will work if the script has multiple lines on linux
**However, if you are
trying to run a batch script located on a local linux/windows
machine and your remote machine is Windows
, and it consists of multiple lines using **
plink root@MachineB -m local_script.bat
it wont work.
Only the first line of the script will be executed. This is probably a
limitation of plink
Solution 1:
To run a multiline batch script (especially if it's relatively simple, consisting of a few lines):
If your original batch script is as follows
cd C:\Users\ipython_user\Desktop
you can combine the lines together using the "&&" separator as follows in your
file as follows
cd C:\Users\ipython_user\Desktop && python
After this change, you can then run the script as pointed out here by
Solution 2:
If your batch script is relatively complicated, it may be better to use a batch
script which encapsulates the plink command as well as follows as pointed out
here by @Martin
rem Open tunnel in the background
start plink.exe -ssh [username]@[hostname] -L 3307: -i "[SSH
key]" -N
rem Wait a second to let Plink establish the tunnel
timeout /t 1
rem Run the task using the tunnel
"C:\Program Files\R\R-3.2.1\bin\x64\R.exe" CMD BATCH qidash.R
rem Kill the tunnel
taskkill /im plink.exe