
  • server with RAID 1 (2x1000GB)
  • currently logged in via SSH (network based debian rescue cd)

need to accomplish:


I have no physical access to the server, so i can't just drop in a cd or plug-in a usb drive. Does anyone have an ideas (or a tutorial handy) on how I can mount the LiveCD (on a read-only rescue-cd??) and the install the distru without breaking the RAID?

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    I can't tell you how to do it, but `debootstrap` http://wiki.debian.org/Debootstrap is most likely what you want. "Breaking the RAID" is a vague term though, is it a hardware or software RAID? I would assume that if the rescue CD can operate the RAID, the matching distribution installed kernel would operate the RAID as well. – DerfK Dec 23 '10 at 22:31
  • I second `debootstrap`. It's a fantastic tool. – Michael Pobega Nov 05 '13 at 19:04

2 Answers2


"Installing Debian GNU/Linux from a Unix/Linux System" from offical Debian documentation.

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I've had to do this sort of thing once, converting a remote RedHat box to Debian back in the days before readily available out of band management cards.

I'd recommend following the good book to get a basic Debian install going, then you can install the Xen packages once you're up and running.

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