For a R710 running VMware products I like to use the Dell software to alert me. You will install Dell OpenManage, configure the alarms, give the DRAC and IP, send messages to your smtp server/the desired mail group/individual. This way if you have any hardware fail OpenManage will know, because that's its job, then the DRAC will send the mail off because close to worse case the server is down but the DRAC still has power and can alert.
1)Go to Select the R710 as your system, or enter the service tag. Select your OS in the drop-down. Download Dell OpenManage System Administrator (stand alone).
2)Install via mounting the ISO from vCenter or make a physical disk and connect to the DVD drive in vCenter
3)Do the express install. You may have to restart the esx mgt services and/or the dell services.
4)Connect to OpenMange via a browser https://your server IP or DNS name:1311
5)Configure Openmange (setup alarms, setup SMTP server)
6)Setup the DRAC in OpenManage - give it an IP and change the default/root password
4)Connect to the DRAC side in a web browswer and check the configuration.
Alerts will now come off the box from your DRAC IP. After all the mail is setup do a test by pulling 1 power cable and reconnecting. You should see 4 mails come off the box (power redundancy degraded, power redundancy lost, then it coming back) - Just a simple test to make sure you are getting the mail through.