I have an environment setup on a system I am not in control of and mod_deflate is entering about 3 lines in the error log for every request. They are only the debug level but for some reason the people in control of the server will not disable that level of reporting and the amount of traffic to my site is enough that it crashes the server from all the log entries.

Is there a way to tell mod_deflate not to write to the log or something else I can do on the site level via htaccess or something?

I am on a fairly basic RHEL LAMP server. Thank you!


[Thu Dec 16 15:00:32 2010] [debug] mod_headers.c(743): headers: ap_headers_output_filter()
[Thu Dec 16 15:00:32 2010] [debug] mod_deflate.c(602): [client IP] Zlib: Compressed 50442 to 9565 : URL /index.php
[Thu Dec 16 15:00:34 2010] [debug] mod_headers.c(743): headers: ap_headers_output_filter()
[Thu Dec 16 15:00:34 2010] [debug] mod_deflate.c(602): [client IP] Zlib: Compressed 1191 to 449 : URL /index.php, referer: http://domain/
[Thu Dec 16 15:00:39 2010] [debug] mod_headers.c(743): headers: ap_headers_output_filter()
[Thu Dec 16 15:00:39 2010] [debug] mod_deflate.c(602): [client IP] Zlib: Compressed 50442 to 9565 : URL /index.php, referer: http://domain/
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1 Answers1


In the end, I ended up talking them into editing the virtual host entries for my sites and adding the:

LogLevel crit

I could not find any such way to do it other than that, or fixing it for the whole server.

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  • same issue with ubuntu 12.10.... WTF mod_deflate is spamming debug log . I want to keep debug log... – lenzai Apr 18 '13 at 22:22