what exactly does M/monit mean?

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3 Answers3


Monit by itself is a standalone software monitoring application. For example, it can restart Apache if it stops responding.

M/Monit is a somewhat centralized control panel. You still use Monit on the individual servers, but you get an extra control panel/GUI with it.

Monit is free, M/Monit is not.

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  • And for total peace of mind use Monit with Munin and all your server reporting tools are complete! – Darbio Dec 16 '10 at 05:58
  • ok, is it possible to configure mmonit web interface and access the monit services to it – gnu Dec 16 '10 at 09:51
  • how exactly mmonit web interface can be installed? – gnu Dec 16 '10 at 09:55
  • It's a commercial product, I'm sure if you were to purchase it they would be able to help you. I've never used it, so I really can't say. – devicenull Dec 21 '10 at 02:52

I always assumed it stands for "multiple Monit" but I couldn't find anything to support that assumption on their website or manuals.

Nic Cottrell
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If you're referring to the etymology of M/Monit, one of my colleagues noted that the name sounds like "I'm not it.".

Adam Matan
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