On my ubuntu 10.04 VPS, I get a regular 500 error on nginx (0.7.??)+ fcgi web server running a durpal site and when I trace the nginx error log I see plenty of these:

socket() failed: No buffer space available) while connecting to upstream ...,

I have tried differnt combination of configs but none fixed the problem. Currently I have 3 nginx workers, Keep-alive time out 15 seconds and and


I really appreciate if you Can you suggest a solution to this annoying problem.

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3 Answers3


You are probably reaching your limit of RAM or of open sockets. Check the number of sockets with cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max and increase it with sysctl -w fs.file-max=[BIG NUMBER]

Andrei Mikhaltsov
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your problem is in the upstream server, not in nginx, but I'm just guessing.

You can set your worker processes to 4 and then try

Gaurav Singh
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Add more RAM or free some system resources, to have allocable ram for system processes.

¿can you check free -mt or top, at the time that the error happens?

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