There's a related question with an answer at apache auth: combination of LDAP and htpasswd but I'd like to expand on that.

I want to allow users if they are in the htpasswd file or if they are in LDAP and members of a valid group.

So Require valid-user from the other question is not strict enough as it would allow anyone from LDAP.

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3 Answers3


With a valid AuthnzLDAP setup, it's possible to require ldap-group, like so:

  Require ldap-group cn=Administrators, o=Airius

See http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mod_authnz_ldap.html#reqgroup for reference.

It's worth noting that you can also require ldap-dn, ldap-attribute, or even ldap-filter. The latter could also be used to require an ldap-group, like this:

  Require ldap-filter &(memberof=cn=Administrators,o=Airius)

..which is most useful to generate complex attribute-based requirements:

  Require ldap-filter &(eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation=*Staff)(objectClass=eduPrincipal)

Thanks, commenter @james-yale for the most relevant answer..

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    Or how about using `Require ldap-group` ref: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_authnz_ldap.html#reqgroup – James Yale Feb 03 '11 at 17:30

require group X, where X is the LDAP group and then additionally use a AuthGroupFile that defines group X with all the local users in it.

(Note: not tested.)

Mark Wagner
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It's also possible using different groups but the Users authenticated via AuthUserFile need to have a group membership too (via the AuthGroupFile). Then you can use something like:

    Require Group tehLDAPGroup
    Require Group tehAuthUserGroup
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