I want to redirect all requests for NOT(main.php) to handelrequest.php?page=[page]
So it must be something like:

RewriteRule !(main.php) handlerequest.php?page=$1


RedirectMatch !(main.php) handlerequest.php?page=$1

but it seems, that those modules haven't negation at all...

May be it is possible to combine it. Some thing like:

RewriteRule (main.php\?.*) $1
RewriteRule (*) handlerequest.php?page=$1

If not main.php, else for all others the second rule become active.
Is there some solution?

Thank you for ahead.

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1 Answers1

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !main.php
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ handlerequest.php?page=$1

That says.. if the requested filename is main.php don't run the rule.. for everything else run the rule.

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