I have a german Windows 2008 R2 with English Multilanguage Pack installed. It has only german, english keyboard defined. It works fine.

I use Windows 7 with PL version and PL keyboard settings. And my customer who logs in to that Windows 2008 R2 uses german Windows 7, Windows XP.

When I login to Windows 2008 R2 it automatically switches keyboard on server to PL (and I can choose between 3 keyboard, however there's no way to remove that PL keyboard). This wouldn't be a big problem but my customer using german windows also see this PL keyboard and it sets itself as default for him too...

Is there a way to make sure only keyboards defined on server works and not those pushed thru RDP?

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5 Answers5


To completly ignore the remote keyboard layout, use the registry key as listed in http://support.microsoft.com/?id=322042. Although the KB lists windows 2000, the key works just as well for 2008.

Once applied, the local keyboard layout on a client machine connecting to a server with that registry key will be ignored, and the default keyboard layout for the remote machine as set up in control panel will be used instead.

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I had the same problem all the time. You have to change the registry on the RDS server.

To do so, please perform the following steps:

  1. On the terminal server, click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.

  2. Locate and then click the following registry subkey:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout

  1. On the Edit menu, click Add Value, and then add the following registry information:

Value name: IgnoreRemoteKeyboardLayout Data type: REG_DWORD Value data: 1

  1. Quit Registry Editor.

I would login to the server, go to the Control Panel > Category View, 'Change keyboards or other input methods' and uninstall the PL license from the OS. If you don't actually need to use it, it shouldn't be a problem to uninstall it, right?

I have no way to test this, so I may be off base.

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You can work around this using the quick-switch keys to change the input language. By default this is LEFT ALT + SHIFT.

Chris Thorpe
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    I know about this and i use it frequently. The problem is with my customer who doesn't want to switch every time .. He is at his own backyard and shouldn't need to switch anything. – MadBoy Apr 29 '11 at 07:33

As for Windows Server 2008 R2, I also had to take below steps to make the on-screen keyboard disappear after a RDP connection:

Control Panel -> All Control Panel Items -> Ease of Access Center-> Use the computer without a mouse or keyboard

Make sure "Use On-Screen Keyboard" checkbox is disabled. HTH.

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