no need for containers, just use a somehow recent OS
hidepid is an new mount option for the procfs (/proc), with that you can hide processes and its information to other users, like other shell users and to web scripts.
hidepid accepts three different values:
hidepid=0 (default): This is the default setting and gives you the default behaviour.
hidepid=1: With this option an normal user would not see other processes but their own about ps, top etc, but he is still able to see process IDs in /proc
hidepid=2: Users are only able too see their own processes (like with hidepid=1), but also the other process IDs are hidden for them in /proc!
Additionaly you can specifiy an user/group ID which is still able to look up the processes with the gid option. So if you want to hide all processes to other users, except root (uid=0) and in this example gid=1001 (some semi administrative user in this example) your /etc/fstab has to look like this:
proc /proc proc defaults,hidepid=2,gid=1001 0 0