I have an SDK that must install 32-bit and 64-bit files in the correct places under /usr/lib for a variety of Linux distributions.

For example, it appears that for Fedora, /usr/lib64 is the 64bit lib, but for Debian based systems, /usr/lib is the 64bit directory.

I want to find out if there is a reliable way to determine the correct locations.

More specifically, is there a way an install script can determine programmatically which are the correct equivalents for /usr/lib for 32- and 64-bit libraries on a given distribution?

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1 Answers1


On my ubuntu server, I have the path /usr/lib64/ points to the path /usr/lib/. As it is known ubuntu is a debian-based system. So, you can install the 64-bit libs in /usr/lib64 for both fedora and ubuntu.

Also, have a look at this page. They are recommending installing the libs in /usr/local/lib.

The GNU standards recommend installing by default all libraries in /usr/local/lib when distributing source code (and all commands should go into /usr/local/bin).
They also define the convention for overriding these defaults and for invoking the installation routines.

You have to make sure that your libs path is included in the ldconfig configuration files.

  • 35,688
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  • While it looks like placing 64-bit libraries into /usr/lib64 will work, yet some questions remain. Where should the 32-bit libraries be installed for popular Linux distributions? Are there are circumstances where installing 64-bit libraries into /usr/lib64 will not work? In summary, I was hoping there is a reliable way that works for all popular distributions. – Randalli Nov 19 '10 at 21:57
  • Did you try it and it did not work!? – Khaled Nov 20 '10 at 07:55
  • Using the information you provided a successful solution was implemented, thanks. – Randalli Dec 31 '10 at 17:13
  • I am glad to here this :) – Khaled Dec 31 '10 at 17:22