In a windows server the alloted space for a drive is 450 GB( for example drive G:). But the drive show full all the time. shows 449 GB is used and 1 GB free space. I tried chkdsk with no help. When I try to defragment it ended up with error by giving the message run chkdsk in the drive. How can i identify the problem and set this resolved.

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4 Answers4


Refer the below URL from sysinternals to check the disk issues with the help of utilities mentioned at http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb545046.aspx

Gaurav Singh
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You should attempt to backup all your data now creating an ASR backup.

When you ran chkdsk disk did you do it while the system was booting?

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Use the windirstat utility to find what is using up all your space and clear it off. Try to have at least 25% free space on the drive. Then run chkdsk /f

With only 1GB free space on a 450GB volume you will surely be having performance problems as well as inviting file system corruption. It won't be possible to defragment the volume without having more free space.

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If the windows server isn't currently running anything mission critical and you suspect there may be physical drive issues, you should use the manufacturer's drive utility run from a live CD like the Ultimate Boot CD.

If you believe the disk issues to be related only to fragmentation, you could use a third-party defragmenter like Defraggler or UltraDefrag. A list of defragmentation alternatives to the Windows utility are listed here.

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