I want to shedule a task for 8.30am every Monday, for every month, for every year...
What would the UNIX Crontab format be?
Many thanks
I want to shedule a task for 8.30am every Monday, for every month, for every year...
What would the UNIX Crontab format be?
Many thanks
You would put the crontab entry like this:
30 8 * * 1 COMMAND
The first field is minutes, the second is hours, and the fifth is days of the week (where Sunday is 0).
#minute hour mday month wday
30 8 * * 1
When I was starting out with Linux/UNIX, I found something like this was quite useful.
I think this one is slightly easier to use.
You might find http://www.opsschool.org/en/latest/cron_101.html useful too. That's where I found http://cronchecker.net/ to verify my cron commands in plain english.