I have a Linux Fedora server running Bind 9.5.0 and DHCP 3.0.6. Bind is configured to allow updates (I'm only showing part of the config, but the reverse part is there too):
zone "myhome.org" IN {
type master;
file "named.myhome.org";
allow-update { key "myrndckey"; };
notify yes;
and DHCP is configured to provide updates to Bind:
zone myhome.org. {
key "myrndckey";
When a Windows DHCP client connects to my network, I can see it by nslookup
, etc). However, when a Linux DHCP client connects, while it successfully gets a DHCP lease, its name and address do not appear in DNS.
Does anyone have any ideas what could be missing from my configuration that would cuase this? Could it be something missing on my Linux client configuration?