Please post useful commands that you use in your logon script.
Here are some that I use:
map a network drive:
net use v: \fileserver\apps
map a network printer:
RunDll32.EXE printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /in /n "\\printserver\Xerox DC1100 PCL"
delete a network printer:
RunDll32.EXE printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /dn /q /n "\\printserver\HP LaserJet 2300"
disable windows firewall:
netsh firewall set opmode disable
install a new program:
if not exist "C:\Program Files\Antivirus\" "V:\Antivirus\install.msi"
create a shortcut on users Desktop:
copy "V:\shortcuts\dictionary.lnk" "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop"