Previous PERC controllers could all be managed/monitored by the LSI MegaCLI tools. The latest release of those tools does not appear to recognize my H700 card:

$ sudo /opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/MegaCli64 -adpCount 

Controller Count: 0.

Are there any options aside from installing the massive OMSA suite?


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2 Answers2


You didn't mention which "latest release" you used. I just tried this and it seems to work fine now. The Dell H700 is using this chipset:

# lspci -v | grep LSI
01:00.0 RAID bus controller: LSI Logic / Symbios Logic LSI MegaSAS 9260 (rev 05)

Visit the support section of LSI's site, the 9260 is part of the "MegaRAID Value Line". That took me to MegaRAID SAS 9260-8i, click on the "Downloads" tab from there. I downloaded "MegaCLI - Linux (MegaRAID Release 5.0)", version 8.01.06 from 28-FEB-11. Unzip the package, then install/run it like this:

# rpm -i Lib_Utils-1.00-08.noarch.rpm MegaCli-8.01.06-1.i386.rpm 
# /opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/MegaCli64 -AdpAllInfo -aALL  

Adapter #0

Product Name    : PERC H700 Integrated
Serial No       : 0000000
FW Package Build: 12.10.0-0025

I blanked the serial number here for privacy reasons. You might need to do a firmware upgrade to your card as well to make it compatible. I wouldn't be surprised that this didn't work when you tried it and has only been fixed since. I try to hold off buying these new controllers from Dell until as long as possible after they've been released because of issues like that.

Greg Smith
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  • The latest release `MegaCLI 8.07.14` opens `/proc/devices` to first scan for adapters. In VMWare ESX, this path does not exist. Try `8.07.07` instead. – parasietje Dec 09 '15 at 12:04
  • This is an old question, and much seems to have changed. I can only seem to find downloads with .rpm packages not .deb packages. Any more up to date tips appreciated. – Bernd Wechner Dec 15 '21 at 11:15
  • OK, some progress. Can convert to .deb with the alien package. Tried `8.07.07` and silently ignores the PERC H700 as well. – Bernd Wechner Dec 15 '21 at 11:40
  • Alas the earliest megacli I can find is 5.3 here: https://www.broadcom.com/site-search?filters[pages][content_type][type]=and&filters[pages][content_type][values][]=Downloads&page=1&per_page=100&q=%20MegaRAID%20SAS%202108%20MegaCLI and it doesn't see the controller either. I can't seem to find 6.0 *8.01.06) alas. – Bernd Wechner Dec 15 '21 at 11:52
  • So I found `MegaCli-8.01.06-1.i386.rpm` here: http://repo.semantico.net/redhat/6Server/os/x86_64/, but alas as I'm on a .deb based system I need to convert it using the `alien` package converter. But it won't convert as it's for i386 architecture and I'm on x86_64. – Bernd Wechner Dec 16 '21 at 10:52
  • OK, I converted it in a 32bit OS VM, and installed it fine on my server with i386 arch enabled. But alas even though it is 5.0 version 8.01.06 I don't see what Greg Smith sees, I see what Insyte sees. MegaCLI does not see my PERC H700. :-( – Bernd Wechner Dec 18 '21 at 03:58
  • And I finally succeeded in getting a version that works. Following these instructions: https://www.mybluelinux.com/debian-linux-and-lsi-megaraid-sas/ and using "xenial main" as the repo even though I'm focal not xenial, That installs megaCLI v8.07.14 and it works, the one trick, that I may have overlooked is that megacli must run as root to see the RAID controller. That is `megacli -adpCount ` sees 0 adapters but `sudo megacli -adpCount` sees 1 and I can interact with it too. All is good now. – Bernd Wechner Jan 10 '22 at 10:45

Have you taken a look at mdadm? See here for more information: mdadm

Guido van Brakel
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