I'm trying to enable PHP error output to the browser. phpinfo() shows that the path to php.ini is /etc/httpd/php.ini. So as root I edited it by adding a line:

display_errors = On

I restarted apache and it still didn't work, phpinfo() was showing that display_errors was Off both as local and master values. I rebooted my computer and the problem was still there.

If I add


to my script it shows the errors, phpinfo() shows that display_errors as local value is On, but I'd like to find out why the php.ini solution isn't working. I don't know if it's relevant, but here's the permission settings to php.ini:

-rw-r--r--  1 root root 48267 Oct 10 00:22 php.ini
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3 Answers3


Perhaps directive "display_errors" defined twice in php.ini:

grep -i display_errors /etc/httpd/php.ini
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As bindbn recommended, checking for duplicate directives in php.ini is a good start - then check the other places PHP configuration directives may be set.

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You may want to follow Can't get PHP to stop showing errors and php 7 ignores ini files, but claims to load

  1. What is "Loaded Configuration File" -> check that you edit the correct ini-file
  2. check for multiple occurences of display_errors in the same file.
  3. Check permissions on the ini file. The web server needs read access.
  4. php 5 and later: try sudo service php-fpm restart before testing
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