Here's the background on our situation...
Right now, we are setup as three distinct companies with three complete Active Directory and Exchange systems. The three offices (One in the US, two in Europe) are connected via a three way VPN setup (so each office has secure communication to the other two). There is a two-way trust relationship setup in Active Directory for each setup. All systems are running Server 2003 and Exchange 2003.
There are about 160 mailboxes between the companies and 80 users (the additional mailboxes are either for IT subsystems, forwarding accounts or other uses).
The companies are officially merging together (instead of just having a trust relationship). So we're looking into a combined solution (based on a new name) where each office will be on the same systems (Exchange and Active Directory) as well as consolidating our IT infrastructure (there's a lot of duplication).
They hired an external company to come in and audit our IT infrastructure. They have made an official recommendation to outsource the IT infrastructure (and guess what, they want to provide the service).
I've been tasked with figuring out what to do. I've thought about it quite a bit, and I've come up with two options. The basic difference is where Exchange is hosted (internally our outsourced). Since outsourced is easy to fathom, I'll just detail the internal setup.
Since high availability is required, we want some geographic redundancy built in. So, what I've come up with is as follows (I'll call the offices Site1, Site2 and Site3):
- FSMO Active Directory Role
- Exchange Mailbox Role - Primary
- Exchange Client Access, Hub Transport Server Roles
- DFS File Share Role (for shared drives)
- Active Directory Role - Replicated from Site1
- Exchange Mailbox Role - Secondary, replicated using CCR Replication
- Exchange Client Access, Hub Transport Server Roles
- DFS File Share Role
- Active Directory Role - Replicated from Site1
- Exchange Client Access, Hub Transport Server Roles
- File Share Witness (for failover)
- DFS File Share Role
So basically the cluster should be able to survive a single site failure without bringing down any of the other sites (or any of the systems). In the event of a double site failure, Exchange would stop completely.
So, my concerns are as follows:
- Is this a reasonable setup? Or am I over complicating things?
- The number of servers required (3 at each site since CCR Mailbox roles must be the only role installed).
- Will it even work as summized (where it will automatically fail-over to the available node should a site or server go down)?
- Since each office would specify a local Client Access server for its users, that server becomes a single point of failure for all local requests (But this is solvable by a manual DNS change)
- Do all of these servers need to be on the same IP subnet for this to work? Or can I get away with using a hiearchial DNS for it (, etc)?
- This will let me set each office as an MX record (since there is a hub transport server in each office to connect to the internet) so if one office goes down we still should be able to receive email in the others, correct?
- Maintainability. I have a fear that this setup will be too complicated to maintain in the long run (adding offices, removing offices, upgrading servers (both OS and hardware), etc). Is that a justified fear?
Now, there's also the question on whether to go with server 2003 or 2008... If we go the internal Exchange route, I think I can convince the powers to upgrade to 2008 (in fact we would need to upgrade to use Exchange 2010)... But is it really necessary or is that just one of my "wants" sneaking in to the plans (rather than a justifiable upgrade)...
Now, part of me just wants to go with outsourced Exchange since it'll alleviate some of these issues (or most of them). However after looking at the costs, the break-even point is about 1 year, so after that outsourcing will be considerably more expensive. Couple that with the fact that some features we depend upon are not possible outsourced -- at least with the companies we looked at-- (such as Shared Mailboxes, Active Directory coupling including SSO, centralized management, data security, etc). So I'm really torn as to where to go with this...
This is the first project of this scale that I'm attempting, so any help would be greatly appreciated...
Thanks in advance (and sorry for the book)...