I have been pulling my hair out trying to implement a remote backup solution for my Windows server on very limited resources. My off-site storage is a NAS drive that only has FTP capabilities, not SFTP or SSH, so I also require something that will encrypt the files as it transfers them over the Internet. There is not much of a budget for software, and most of the standard server backup solutions run in the hundreds of dollars. So far all of the cheap solutions that I have tested are unreliable or just don't work at all. So far, the closest I have gotten has been Ace Backup 3, but I have been unsuccessful in getting it to backup all of my files properly. Can anyone recommend a solution that would:

  1. Perform nightly incremental backups to FTP
  2. Compress and encrypt files for transfer
  3. Send e-mail notifications
  4. Be reliable and provide a method for verifying the backups
  5. Cost under $100

This is driving me nuts, and I would love to have it off of my plate! Any help you can give me is greatly appreciated.



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  • I don't understand why something as important as backups doesn't get a budget. I assume your company has paid thousands for the server, thousands for the OS and software that goes on the server, why not budget hundreds for a decent backup solution? – Jason Berg Sep 13 '10 at 18:45
  • It's not because the company doesn't value backups, it's just that the cash flow is a bit tight and we need a budget solution until revenue is increased and a more suitable solution can be implemented. – mclark1129 Sep 13 '10 at 18:50
  • I would have suggested backuppc but it doesn't do FTP, only rsync over SSH – Amala Sep 13 '10 at 23:43
  • Cost under $100 in what currency and over what time period (hour/day/week/month/year/forever)? – John Gardeniers Sep 14 '10 at 04:33

2 Answers2


I'm not aware of any backup solution that will do what you are asking. However, you could script a job that will do what you need...

You can use NTBackup to do the backup, have 7-Zip compress it, have Gnu Privacy Guard encrypt it, then use the built-in ftp client to transfer it.

No email notifications, but you can have all of this logged and it is free (except for your time).

Example script for NTBackup: http://tim.mackey.ie/ASampleNTbackupScriptWithTheCurrentDatetimeInTheFilenameAndBackupLabel.aspx
7-Zip command line info: http://dotnetperls.com/7-zip-examples
GPG command line info: http://www.somacon.com/p107.php
Scripting FTP example: http://www.brettb.com/ScriptingWindowsFTP.asp

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Try SyncBackSE http://www.2brightsparks.com I've used it for a number of years and it's been great.

does FTP backups supports encryption & compression sends email logs jobs to HTML Something like $30

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