In a past life as a unix admin I would often remotely transfer files by taring them to stdout and piping that output through SSH. Sometimes I placed a "tar -xfp -" on the other end of the pipe as a way to transfer files with permissions. Today I revisited this strategy, except there were two monkey wrenches. The fist that I was copying to a windows machine, and the second was I could not ssh as root to the server I was backing up. Sudo only works from a TTY so logging in as my nynpriviledged account did not work.
In the end, someone found the root password, and discovered that password based root logins were allowed. So I was very easily able to create the backup:
c:\> plink -batch -pw SECRET root@someServer tar --exclude=/sys --exclude=/dev --exclude=/proc -cjvvf - / > file.tar.bz2
However, since the windows machine runs winsshd, I want to know if its possible to pull the tarball from the unix box to the windows box, instead of pushing it. The command I tried was:
tar --exclude=/dev --exclude=/sys --exclude=/proc -cjf - / | ssh "type con > d:\foo.tar.bz2"
That lead to the file being created on the windows machine, but no data being written. Is there a way to do it the way I want to?