On Apache 2.2.x I've activated mod_userdir. I used the default setup, so that http://localhost/~name/ will be connect with ~name/public_html/ and a path within public_html, e.g. ~name/public_html/mySite can be reached through http://localhost/~name/mySite.

How can I achieve, that the same path can be reached through http://mySite.name.localhost/? I don't want a manual approach like it is suggested in other SF questions (such as Apache: Setting up local test server with subdomains), but rather want an automatic mapping of all available paths to the corresponding URL.

I think, several steps will need to be taken: Change mod_userdir configuration, so that the subdomain of localhost will be connected with all available user names on the machine. The second step would maybe include the usage of mod_rewrite, so that the subsubdomain could be matched to the path within ~name/public_html...

What would be your prefered way?


The solution is flagged. I some small modifications to meet special requirements and added comments:

RewriteEngine on
# check, if not redirected yet
# look for URLS like 'subdir.username.localhost'
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} (.+)\.([^.]+)\.localhost$
# check if /home/username/public_html/subdir is a directory or symbolic link
RewriteCond /home/%2/public_html/%1 -d [OR]
RewriteCond /home/%2/public_html/%1 -l
# rewrite to default target
RewriteRule ^(.+) %{HTTP_HOST}$1 [C]
# rewrite to /home/username/public_html/subdir
RewriteRule (.+)\.([^.]+)\.localhost(?::\d+)?(.*) /home/$2/public_html/$1$3 [L]
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1 Answers1


I had a similar need a few weeks ago. I solved it using mod_rewrite, by putting this in my default vhost definition:

RewriteEngine on
 # look for URLS like 'subdir.username.localhost'
 RewriteCond %{ENV:REDIRECT_STATUS} ^$
 RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ([^.]+)\.([^.]+)\.localhost$
 RewriteCond /home/%2/public_html/%1 -d
 RewriteRule ^(.+) %{HTTP_HOST}$1 [C]
 RewriteRule ([^.]+)\.([^.]+)\.localhost(?::\d+)?(.*) /home/$2/public_html/$1$3 [L]

There is some more info at https://gist.github.com/744971, including getting username.localhost to resolve to /home/username/public_html

Josh Adell
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  • Since some of my 'subdirs' contain dots, I rewrote parts of the regex. Also some paths are symbolic links, so I added another RewriteCondition. Since your solution does exactly what I asked for, I flaged it as the solution but will add my changes to the initial question. Great work! – MaoPU Jan 05 '11 at 07:23