I've recently acquired a SuperMicro X8DTU-F motherboard, which has a built-in BMC, which basically runs the IPMI system. It turns out to be a small Linux system running on an ARM processor.
Unfortunately, it's running a boatload of software, much of which I don't need, and I don't have the ability to put it behind a firewall. However, I do want the IPMI functionality. Does anybody who has used one of these have some specific suggestions on how to secure the thing? It boots from what is essentially a ROM filesystem, and there don't even seem to be any hooks to turn off any of the various servers it runs....
I'd also be interested in how I might verify the list of names and passwords that can be used to access the system through all of the various services. The default is ADMIN
, but none of the files in /conf or /etc have 'ADMIN' in them, which rather worries me. There are /conf/shadow
and /conf/webshadow
files, with mysterious 'test' IDs in them, which doesn't make me feel particularly comfortable either.