(I've asked this question regarding zsh, but I also use bash and would find it useful there too--as I'm guessing many others would too since bash has many more users than zsh.)
I'd like to set up command completion on bash to display host names after I type
ssh [TAB]
taking the names out of my .ssh/config file (and preferably from known_hosts and /etc/hosts and anywhere else that makes sense) and presenting one single list.
It does some of this currently, but
- it doesn't use .ssh/config at all
- it requires a username first, even though using .ssh/config makes typing usernames unnecessary
- it presents multiple lists (probably one from known_hosts and another from /etc/hosts, but I haven't verified that)
So I want to be include known usernames as well as known hostnames in the (preferably single) list after typing ssh [TAB]
(I'm coming here before Google because 1) it'll result in the answer getting stored here, and 2) it's probably more efficient. If no one else answers, I'll hunt down the answer.)