I'm looking for a email to SMS solution to run on Linux. It's going to be a gateway for Smokeping to send alerts to asscoicated admins

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5 Answers5


It's been a while since I've done it but I recall it was fairly easy to do using SMS Server Tools and a bit of scripting. It's even easier if you can skip the email part and have the software create a suitably formatted file in the SMS Tools outgoing directory.

John Gardeniers
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We have a similar set up for a few of our server locations. Most of them use a nokia mobile phone connected via serial and we use gnokii ( http://www.gnokii.org ) to pipe emails to it. The other solution we use is a cloud sms gateway and simply curl/wget a weblink to send the sms. There are a heap of services like this but we use clickatell ( http://www.clickatell.com )

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  • Using an IP-to-SMS gateway like Clickatell as your primary and your own GSM modem as a secondary is a solid way to go. If you need to be up as fast as possible, a gateway provider is usually the best route - Clickatell, for instance, offers many different APIs; so pick the easiest for you to script and you're set. – Zayne S Halsall Aug 09 '10 at 15:49

Use the kannel sms gateway. www.kannel.org

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    It is usually not a good idea to rely on an external service for alerting in a monitoring system, as this will fail when your network connection goes down, which is something you **want** to know. – Sven Aug 06 '10 at 11:11
  • kannel can be configured to use a gsm modem as well, i recommended it as a configuration using a gsm modem not smpp – topdog Aug 06 '10 at 11:28

Try gammu. I'm using it to send SMS from my nagios using Vodafone with a UMTS stick. But almost any phone can be connected to gammu.

John Gardeniers
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I've yet to use cellular network solutions and have reasonable success with cellular e-Mail gateways, however I do plan on looking into implementing one of these solutions. They look to be really useful.

  • Foxbox is a cellular gateway for the SMS network that Nagios supports
  • Walkthrough for building your own SMS gateway.
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