I have an ESX server that I am trying to connect to. I have no way to access it currently other than using some sort of port forwarding. So I am doing it with SSH. I am reaching the other end and have confidence in my port forwarding because if I change the destination port in the forward to 443 to connect to the HTTPS web interface on the ESX server it connects fine. For the vsphere client I set the destination port to 902.

When I use vsphere I use an alias for localhost which gets me past one problem with how Windows handles that. However vSphere spits out:

vSphere Client could not connect to "myalias.alias.com". The server sent the client an invalid response. (The server commited a protocol violation. Section=ResponseStatusLine)

Anyone know why this is happening. I don't think it is my forwarding unless I need to forward to additional ports beyond 902.

Kyle Brandt
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1 Answers1


Yep, you need to open 80,443 and 902 ... 80 & 443 for the actual client connectivity - they just use the web services the server presents at https://<server>/sdk for the vmware client.

902 is the port they use for console redirection.

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  • Hmmm... So I guess that means I have to free up 80 and 443 and 902 on the client to do ssh forwarding since I can't specify all the ports in the vsphere client? – Kyle Brandt Aug 04 '10 at 01:20
  • @Kyle yep, unless you want to start screwing around with port redirection on iptables. – Zypher Aug 04 '10 at 03:00
  • Unless I have not hit the problem yet 443 and 902 seems to be working. So probably (80 or 443) and 902. – Kyle Brandt Aug 04 '10 at 11:59